Thursday, March 31, 2011

Off the wagon & stuck on the shoulder...

Like the Dodo bird in the Lion Kings sings "count me out!"  Not only did I fall off the wagon last week, yesterday I managed to walk into the mens restroom at Smiths, roll down a hill into another car, and the real topper-slip on water on the kitchen floor and severely sprain my ankle.  Had I not already broken it 10 years ago, I would have last night.  Luckily because the bone on my ankle was already un-attached, all I did was tear it out of it's scar tissue.  I get to wear a lovely lace up ankle brace for the next 3-6 weeks & totally rest it for 3-5 days.  There goes my long workout day on Saturday. UGH!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Remember the 200lb man?

Remember the 200lb man from last year. I had a goal to lose 30 pounds by the time Ja and Scott's 1st wedding anniversary came around. I lost about 13. I need a new goal to work towards to. Something like a half Marathon or a 10k. Anyone have any ideas?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Off The Wagon

I was doing so well with my training up until Friday, March 18th.  What happened on the 18th you ask? Well, that was the day that Keef was offered a job in SLC.  They asked him to start on the 28th.  Normally not a big deal, he normally does travel for work but in the past he's had a work truck.  This time around, he had a nice pair of boots.  He will get a service truck, but first he has to go through orientation etc.  In the meantime, we had 10 days to figure out transportation, make living arrangements, get everything he needs for work and decide if moving 400 miles is the right thing for our blended family. 

My goal this week is to get in 4 walks/runs & keep my sanity while trying to pack up the fam.  Somewhere in there I have to find an apartment & a job while still working full time at Allconnect.  Wish me luck!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Thighs of steel

Okay so that is one way to get thighs of steel.
The other is to sit in a car for five hours after strenuous exercise.
Today is the first day that I can really walk normal.
I also unfortunately fell off the no sweets band wagon.
I need to hitch a ride back on ASAP!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

I've been thinkin.....

First off:
Congratulations on the marathon! What a spectacular achievement! I knew you could do it!

I am thinking about going off of my anxiety/depression medication. I've been on it since 2002, but I would like to try and control it "naturally." I guess if it didn't work then I could always go back on, right?

Later in the day......
Going to make the plunge. Just cut all my pills into 4ths (I was already only taking half because my Dr. was nice enough to prescribe 20mg pills so I could actually take 10 and make the prescription last longer). Things to remember:
1) Continue healthy eating
2) Get a fitness routine into place.
3) After pay day on Friday I will head over to GNC and get the natural supplements. (Omega's and what not).

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Even Day post!

Not much to say. Other than I need some exercise motivation! I have plateaued with the healthy eating and need to up the exercise. Basically, I do nothing now, so doing something, ANYTHING would be an improvement. So help me out gals!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Running for a cause

The LA Marathon is right around
the corner.
Other participants and I are attempting to raise money for
Aide Relief in Japan through the Red Cross.
My goal is to reach $400 by next Sunday.
Here is the link of where one could make donations.
Any amount small, smaller or even medium sized are MUCH appreciated!
Lots of love, Sushi and Sashimi to Japan and it's wonderful people.

I meant to post but.......

okay I actually have no excuse for not posting last week. But today I do! My healthy cells have been tricked by the flu virus!:


Here's hoping my immune system hasn't completely shut down by the attack of my skin rash and this flu.

Friday, March 11, 2011

frustrated and zumba-ized

I was feeling a little down but also excited for my two week brake from work.
So after work I picked up Ha Jyn and we headed here:

Now my tummy is ACHING!!!!!!!
No more Chipotle for me!

Yesterday I met up with a friend and we went to Zumba class.
The room had mirrors on every wall, but I refused to watch myself Zumba.
I knew if I saw how dorky and out of place I looked I would be way to
embarrassed to continue. It was a good workout and a lot of fun.
I had plans to get up early this morning and work out,
but I failed. Tomorrow I am doing my last long
run before the race.

I have trained so poorly for the race I am considering just finishing it
a success. If I can keep down my banana this time it will be an even
bigger success!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The road to HELL...

Is paved with training to run 26.2 miles.  And that's all I have to say about that.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lent... please be good to my abs!

This is what my abs feel like now.
I decided to semi-participate in lent for the first time this year.
I am giving up my gateway sweet, chocolate. In it's place I am going
to start doing the ab exercises that I always avoid.
With my running I have plateaued with my weight loss.
I can also feel that my muscle mass is on vacation.
So hopefully my muscle will come back to me soon!
I am hoping that more muscle will equal less muffin top.
I will look like this in no time!! (Ewww gag)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Salmon Recipe and Book Recommendation and lent

Here is the book I would recommend, I've used it for both my half marathons:

And for lent I am giving up Ice Cream (I don't really celebrate lent, but I know that it means I have to give up something until Friday April 15th. Ice cream is my gateway drug. Once I have the ice cream I might as well have the brownie, and the gummie bears and whatever else I can get my hands on........
I also am going to do a little exercise DVD (3 or 4 times a week) in the mornings since I have no motivation to do anything after work. 

And finally.....the salmon recipe.

Rosemary Salmon:
Thaw your salmon if it is frozen (which, in my case it always is). I get it in the individually wrapped packets in bulk from Costco. So I take my wrapped salmon and run hot water over it for about 5-10 minutes. I have found that fish thaws surprisingly fast so be careful not to “cook” it in the package during the thaw. I guess the other option is to take it out of the freezer in the morning. But I can’t always remember things like that.
Preheat oven to 350.
Tear off a rectangle of aluminum foil. Set your fish in the middle. 

Spice mix:
-        took it home dumped it into a bowl stirred in a whole lot of dried rosemary (purchased from the actual grocery store!), put it back in the jar and wa-la! I’ve got rosemary fish rub for the next 6 months for 7 bucks.

Put four or five good sized pinches of the rosemary rub on your fish. Wrap the foil up like so (Justin says that the wrapping technique is essential to keeping the juices in):
Pull both sides of the foil up like you are going carry it

Squeeze the two flaps together and then "roll" them down to the fish

Fold sides in after you "roll" down the top section of foil

Put in the oven with the folds facing up so it won't leak all over the oven.
Put it into the oven for 15 min.
Open it up, and use a spatula to transfer it to the plate. Nom! Nom! Nom!


We had a health fair at work today and I found out I'm Short, Fat & have low blood sugar. SHOCKING!
The good news is that I'm 35lbs lighter than last year at this time & because I probably also have mental health issues, I agreed to start training for the STG marathon with a co-worker.  If anyone has a couch to 26.2 in 6 months training book/suggestions I'll gladly take them.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Okay minus the crazy woman smile this is the me size I like.
135-140 fits good on my frame. That is a lot for other people,
but good for me. I will never/nor do I want to be a waif. I will always
have 'junk in the trunk' sort of speak.
Look I have a neck in this picture!
No muffin top or a front butt!
and I really miss that "if your awesome and you know it, clap
your hands" t shirt.

And just four short years later...
In fairness this was 3 days after giving birth to
Ha Jyn.
350- some odd days later...
Not much I can excuse this on.

On the bright side I have had no sweets since the 1st!
I am going to make it!!
Now off to bed. Hopefully I can pull myself
out of bed in time to go swimming with my 79
year old boyfriends before work tomorrow.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Celebrity Inspirations (Hey we all have them)

It's an even day so I am posting again. This time it is celebrity inspirations. My inspiration:
Kate Winslet. Simply glamorous, but also very normal.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Healthy dinners

So these are photos of the dinners that I have had during the week.

Steamed asparagus, mixed greens with feta and 5 tomatoes and rosemary seasoned salmon.

 Steamed broccoli, baked cauliflower seasoned with curry and paprika. A pork chop and salad.
 Salad, 5 tomatoes, 5 olives, sauteed zucchini, and rosemary salmon.
 This one didn't quite work. I was supposed to saute onions and mushrooms but I burnt them into a lovely gross charcoal sticks, maybe next week I will succeed with that. Salad and a hamburger with melted swiss cheese.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Holy SH**

I dare you Dee Dee to post your most unflattering photo!(Add it to the side bar for daily inspiration!) I actually have been working on a little something all week, but  I have to upload the photos to the big computer tomorrow so I can post it.

Yep. Here it is. The photo of doom:
Lets go through the items in this photo one by one.....
Faded dingy white shirt with Brigham Young on it-- Check
Cut off pants--check
Number pinned with delicacy, off center, over left boob--check
Sweaty face--check
Dazed and confused look--check
Old man passing me--check
Wedgie- check
50 extra lbs.--check
All the more reason to start this blog now!


PS: Justin saw me blogging this photo:

Justin: What are you blogging about?
Me: Nothing! This Catherine and I's blog and you aren't invited!
Justin: Why? Because I'm not a heavy set gal??
Very funny....

Equally as important to post a goal photo: One you really super like of yourself (but you can still request changes if you want)
Waist line- check
Simply stylish hair- check
Accessories- check
Somewhere around 135 lbs.- check
Secretly laughing at old man in background.- Check
Lookin' good!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New blog, new direction...

It's happened to everyone...
At one point in time we have all been called fat.
Some try to hide it while others provide no silver lining.
My Grandma being the latter of the two. If a women is overweight
a description will
always include, "Well she was a real heavyset gal......"
But hey, you gotta call it like you see it!
I would say the worst experience I have had being called fat
happened about four months after I got married.
I had just left my professor's office when I ran into my friend and fellow Psych major.
He said, "Congratulations!" I said, "Huh?" "no really congrats!!!" I said, "For what?!!"
He said, "I thought you were, but now I can totally tell
!" Still lost I said, "Huh?"
He replied, "That is so great I am so happy for you!"
At this point my mind was racing. I was thinking of things I could be
congratulated for. Did I win something? Did I get a scholarship?
His next comment tore down those hopes.
"No really you guys are going to be great at this, now is it a boy or a girl?"
My face dropped. "Umm neither, it is 5 lbs of new fat. If you want to name it
and give it a birthday present you c
He was so embarrassed as was I.
I never ever wore those pants again and
never ever let him forget about t
hat day.

The purpose of this blog is to keep committed and focused on
any goals we heavyset gals have. For me I will use this blog as a way of reporting and self-checking on my progress or lack there of. As of now I (Cat) will blog on odd days and Ha(Carly) will blog on even days.

My new goal is no sweets for the rest of March. Lately I have felt it
my personal obligation to eat anything chocolate within a ten mile radius of my
mouth. I need to be stopped! I can't limit my sweets either.
It would be the same as if a alcoholic was told, "Okay now just three drinks a week!"
Chances are that guy is going to be drunk and hurled over a trash can in no time.
So here's hoping to a sweet-less March!